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Valuable Gauging Tables THIS COLLECTION CONTAINS More than One Thousand Choice Recipes for all kinds of Cooking, Baking, Making Preserves, Creams, Perfumeries, Inks, Paints,Oils,Varnishes, Liniments, Dyes, Ciders, Cordials, Spirits of all kinds, Blacking, Cements, Extracts, Sealing Wax, Whitewash, IN BRIEF, IT TELLS OF THOUSANDS OF WAYS TO MAKE AND TO SAVE MONEY. It is worth its weight in gold. BY CHAS. W. BROWN. Chicago FREDERICK J. DRAKE & COMPANY Publishers 1901 -486 PAGES. FILE FORMAT - .PDF - 32.22 MB PREFACE The intrinsic worth of a good book of recipes can scarcely be expressed in dollars and cents. Think of the innumerable number of ailments and possible hurts that can be cured without the assistance of a doctor, just by the quick application of some home remedy ! How necessary, then, it is to know how to make these household remedies that are neither expensive nor difficult ! Though this work is not primarily a stock or family doctor book, but a book of choice Recipes, still, this feature of the work cannot be under-estimated. Of the thousand or more recipes here given, fully one-half would be used within a year by almost every family. While all may not have use for the recipes in making liquors, or those applicable to the diseases of the horse, of cattle, or sheep, etc., yet there are few families who would not avail themselves of recipes for making blacking, cements, extracts, inks, perfumery, sealing wax, syrups, varnishes, vinegars, etc., or cures for burns, cancers, chilblains, colds, consumption, corns, croup, diarrhrea, dropsy, felons, piles, rheumatism, and a hundred other ills to which the body is subject. The remedies are all easily compounded, inexpensive, and at the same time have invariably proven effective even in very severe cases. The recipes for making simple household articles are the same as those used by large manufacturers and are therefore practical. The tables on Gauging are also exceedingly valuable to merchants, farmers and to families who may wish to ascertain the contents of casks, barrels, hogsheads, cisterns, etc., without resorting to the tedious method of computation or actually filling the objects with water, using a bucket or can of known dimensions. Altogether, this is one of the most valuable books ever issued, and should be in the possession of every person or family. C. W. B. CONTENTS. Angostura Bitters, how to make 614 Ants, how to destroy 602 Army Worms, how to destroy 605 Ayers Cherry Pectoral, how to make 899 Ayers Sarsaparilla, how to make 769, 902 Barbers Sea-Foam, how to make 907 Barometer, how to construct 939 Battery, Galvanic, to construct, for gilding and silver plating 488 Bed Bugs, how to destroy 628 Bedbug Poison 536 Beef, Iron and Wine, how to make 609, 949 Beef Tea, how to make 608 Beer, Root, how to make 610 Bells, Cracked, how to repair 928 Bells, signals on steamers. . 927 Beverages, Cider without Apples, how to make 974 Cottage Beer, how to make 86, 975 Cream Beer, how to make 92 Gas Beer, how to make 91 Ginger Beer, how to make 88 Ginger Imperial, how to make 89 Ginger Pleasant, how to make 94 Ginger Pop, how to make 96 Ginger Powder, how to make 95 Mead 93 Mead, Sassafras 98 Pineapple-ade 99 Beverages Continued. Silver top 97 Spruce Beer 87 Spruce White 9 Birds Food, how to make 611, 612, 726 Bitters, Stoughton, how to make 915 Blackboards, how to make slating 734 Blacking, Harness, etc., how to make 560 Japan, for leather 589 Jet, for harness and boots 590 Liquid, how to make 247, 248, 50, 251 Bladders, how to prepare 621 Bluing, how to make 622 Bokers Bitters, how to make 615 Bone Meal, how to make 624 Bottles, how to clean 647 Brandy, Blackberry, how to make 311, 316 Bordeaux, to imitate 303 Cherry, how to make 304, 312, 314 Cognac 293, 294, 295, 296, 301 Common, how to make 305 Domestic, how to make 306 French, how to imitate. . . .297, 298, 307, 308, 309 Ginger, how to make 319 Lavender, how to make 318 Peach, how to make 310 Raspberry, how to make 313 Rochelle, how to imitate, No. i 300, 302, 317 Rose, how to make 315 Brass, Polish for 72 Bricks, how to redden 795 Brooms, how to preserve 1000 Browns Bronchial Troches, how to make. .946, 903 Brushes, how to soften 629 Bugs, how to exterminate 627 Burning-Fluid, how to make 540 Burnt Cork, how to make ........: 764 Butter, Bad, to improve 512 Rancid, to cure 511 To cure, that it will keep for years 513 Butter, how to preserve 631 Butter, how to sweeten 633 Buttons, how manufactured 1002 Cabbage Worms, how to destroy 632 Cakes and Pies, Bread-cheese, how to bake .... 126 Biscuits, how to bake . 109 Buns, how to bake 133 Cider, how to bake in Cream, how to bake 130 Cup, how to bake 113 Custard, without eggs 116 Frosting, how to 101 Ginger, how to bake 114 Green Corn Omelet 522 Lemon, how to bake 102, 129 Lemon Pies, how to bake no Lemon, white, how to bake 105 Mock mince pies 108 Muffins 131 Pound cake, plain, how to bake 127 Queen cake, how to bake 103 Rice Cake, how to bake . 128 Rusks, how to bake . . . . ; 107, 132 Sponge Cake, how to bake 104 Strasbourg Cake, how to bake 106 Sugar Cake, how to bake 112 Candy, Hoarhound, how to make . . . . 940 Carbolic Acid, perfumed 639 Carpets, how to clean 648 Caterpillars, how to destroy 641 Cement, Diamond, how to make 979 Crockery 508 Fire, how to make 916 Gasfitters how to make 919 Glass, how to make 980 Hard, for seams 509 Hydraulic, how to make 923 Imitation for Stone, how to make 978 Liquid 507 Plumbers, how to make 918 Transparent for glass , 981 Transparent, for glass, how to makt. . .913, 981 Water and fire proof 510 Which will get as hard as stone 506 Centaur Liniment, how to make 942 Champoo, Cliffords how to make 905 Cheese, how to color. . 642 Cherry Cordial, how to make 644 Cherry, Wild, essence of, how to make. . . .617, 678 Cider, General Rules to make 266 How to make 262 How to manage 263 Observations on 265 Raisin, how to make 264 Rule for making good 267 To keep good 269 To keep good for years 268 Cisterns, capacity of 646 Cockroaches, how to destroy 665 Cod Liver Oil Mixture 666 Coffee Extract, how to make 603 Complexion, Oily, how to cure 065 Cordials, Aniseed 253 Cinnamon 256 Citron 254 Cloves 258 Orange 257 Peppermint 255, 251 Rose 260 Spirits, for beverage, to manufacture 252 Strawberry 259 Corsets, how to clean 971 Cow-Diseases, Cure for distemper in cattle .... 465 Flesh-wounds in cattle, tincture for 559 Frenzy, or inflammation of the brain 482 Garget in cows 447 Hoven in cattle, Mr. Gowens simple remedy 432- Hoven or blown in cattle, cure for 479 Method to cure the frenzy 483 Paunching 484 Pleura Pneumonia in Cattle, cure for 556 Purging drink 480 Red-water in cattle, to cure 468 Scouring 558 Scouring, in cattle, to cure 469, 891 Swelled bags, how to cure 892 Swelled cattle with green food, cure for 470 Tar-water for cattle 466 Worms or bots in cattle or horses 557 Yellows or jaundice in cattle, cure for 481 Cranberries, how to keep 993 Dates and Inscriptions on Coins, how to decipher 999 Davis Pain Killer, how to make 898 Digging Earth 934 Diseases in Human Beings, cures for Asthma, how to cure 606 Diseases in Human Beings Continued. Balsam-de-Malda, how to make 6 Balsam Locatellis, how to make 35 Bitters, German, how to make 36 Blood-spitting, cure for 553 Boils, how to cure 623 Bruises, how to cure 625 Bunions, how to cure 630 Burning and Scalding, cure for 15 Burns and Scalds, cure for 19, 20, 638 Burns, liniment for 34 Cancer, cure for 69, 70, 71, 958 Catarrh Cure 640 Cerate, simple, how to make 30 Chilblain, frost-bitten, cure for 14, 643 Cholera, how to cure 601, 645 Colds, cure for 75 Consumption, cure for 59 Corns, certain cure for 9, 535, 668 Cough, cure for 45 Cough-drops 4I? 550 Cough-drops, Dr. Monroes 43 Cough-Mixture 42, 669, 670 Cough-syrup 545 9IO Cramp in the stomach, cure for 40 Croup, cure for 66, 671 Diarrhoea, cure for 64, 672 Diphtheria, how to cure 895, 957 Dropsy, cure for 51, 959 Dysentery, cure for, No. 1 68, 527 Dysentery, No. 2 526 Dysentery and bloody flux 528 Dyspepsia, cure for 44 Earache, how to cure 674 Diseases in Human Beings Continued. Epilepsy, cure for 580 Erysipelas, cure for 596 Eye-water, how to make 55 Eye-water or Collyrium 56 Eye-water or Vitriolic Collyrium 57 Felon, certain cure for 67 Giddiness, cure for 31 Godfreys Cordial, how to make 32 Granulated Eyelids 679 Gravel, Turkish cure 525 Headache, bilious or sick, cure for 587 Hooping-cough, Dr. Bartons remedy 571 Lip-salve 85 Life Tincture (a German medicine) 33 Liniment 26, 908 Liver-complaint, cure for 58 Lockjaw, cure for 495 Mad dog bite, Dr. Stoys cure i Mortification powders, Dr. Stoys 3 Mother-drops, Dr. Stoys 4 Mother-drops, simple 5 Nails on toes, ingrowing 76 Neuralgia, how to cure 894 Nipples, sore, ointment for 531 No. 6 Medicine, how to make 7 Ointment to draw splinter out of the flesh. . . 47 Paregoric, how to make 61, 909 Peppermint-essence, how to make 8 Piles, cure for 12, 28, 29, 498, 530, 532, 549, 567, 956 Purifying the blood 60 Quinsy, cure for : 552 Rheumatic Gout, cure for 497, 529 Rheumatism, cure for 52, 53, 73, 496 Rheumatism, inflammatory, remedy for 534 Rheumatism, liniment 561 Rheumatism, simple cure 562 Salt, medical use of 65 Salt Rheum or Scurvy, cure for 544 Scabby heads on children, cure for 16 Scarlet Fever, cure for 62 Sleeplessness, how to make a tea for 17 Smallpox, cure for 63, 533, 911 Spasms, how to cure 900 Summer-complaint, Blackberry Syrup for. . . 39 Summer-complaint, cure for 37 Sun-stroke, cure for 551 Swelling from bruises, to prevent 27 Swinney, cure for 24, 25 Tapeworm, how to expel 807 Tetter, cure for 21, 22, 955 Tetter, Ringworm, Swinney, and Rheumatism 23 Tooth-ache drops 546 Toothache-preventive 600 Vermifuge, Hamiltons celebrated 54 White Swelling, cure for 74 Whitlow 554 Worms 2, 897 Drawing, how to trace 673 Dyeing, Aluming 160 Black, inclining to brown, on wool and silk. . 186 Black, inclining to purple, on wool and silk. . 185 Black jet, on woollen 187 Black, on cotton 208 Black, on leather 222 Black, on silk 167 Blue-black, on silk 168 Blue, on leather 221 Blue, on silk 1 66 Blue, on straw 216 Blue, Prussian, on woollen 188 Blue vat, for silk and woollen 214 Brown, inclining to snuff 184 Brown, on cotton 204 Brown, on silk 163 Brown, on silk dress 175 Brown, on the red cast 182 Brown, on woollen cloth, or cloth of any description 181 Buff, on cotton 201 Crimson, on silk 179 Dove, on silk 177 Drab, on cotton 205 Drab, on silk 176 Drab, on wool 191 Dye-liquors, preparing 161 Fancy dyeing, on cotton, various shades 198 Flesh, on silk 180 General remarks 159 Gloss on silk 201 Gloss on silk, a fine 209 Gray, on silk .. 171 Green, on cotton 200 Green, on silk 164 Green, on wool 189 Indigo, Sulphate, how to make 165 Indigo, vat for cotton, how to set 213 Lilac, on wool 190 Maroon, on silk 169 Greens August Flower, how to make 951 Grindstones, Artificial, hew to make 700 Gun Cotton, how to make 7 01 Gunpowder, how to make 702, 849 Hams, how to cure 73 Hams, to cure, without pickle 519 Hands, how to soften 966 Hands, how to whiten 607, 778, 779 Harness Oil, how to make 704 Harters Iron Tonic, how to make 952 Hats, how to stiffen 705 Hides, how to tan 984 Horse-Diseases, Abscess, cure for 361 Adhesive Plaster, and sewing- 354 Alterative Balls, for surfeit, mange, etc 435 Anbury, or wart 362 Anodyne medicine 449 Appetite, loss of 364 Astringent balls, for profuse staling 436 Astringent drink, after looseness 427 Bandage 355 Big Leg, how to cure 878 Bladder, Inflamed 365 Bleeding in general 420 Bleeding, to stop 353 Bleeding, to stop, a paste for 461 Blood-Spavin 366 Blue water, for wounds, how to make 48 Bone-Spavin 368 Bots 369 Bowels, inflammation of 372 Broken knees 376 Broken wind 374 Burns and Scalds . 377 Horse Diseases Continued. Canker 378 Canker in the mouth, mixture for 464 Canker, liniment for 379 Capped Hocks 380 Cold 381 Composition, for sand cracks 410 Condition Powders, Arabian 882 Convulsions 382, 443 Corns 384 Cough 383 Cough-drink, for horses 428 Cracked Heels 386 Curb 385 Diabetis ...... 389, 390 Distemper, how to cure 888 Drink, for an inflammatory fever 431 Drink, for worms 439 Drink, to check over-purging 426 Eyes 391 Eye-Water 392, 457 Farcy 394 Farcy, cure for 395 Fever-Balls 429 Film, or cataract 393 Food and Regimen 360 Foundered Feet 397 Fulness of blood . 421 Gravel, how to cure 876 Grease 396 Gripes 387 Gripes, cure for 444 Gripes, draught for 388, 445 Gripes, further treatment 446 Horse Diseases Continued. Gripes, white ball for 447 Heaves, how to cure . 890 Hide-bound, remedy for 877 Hoof-bound 398, 886 Horse-Powder, how to make 13 Horse, how to make him drink freely 487 Inflammation of the lungs 458 Itch, how to cure 879 Lameness 453 Lampass 399 Laudanum draught 448 Laxative and diaphoretic powder 422 Laxity 400 Lungs, inflammation of 401 Mallenders 402 Mange 403, 455, 885 Merchants Gargling Oil 882 Mercurial ball, for worms 438 Mexican Mustang Liniment 88 1 Molten Grease 404 Ointment 357, 367, 358, 884, 880 Paste-balls, for broken wind 375 Pectoral balls, for broken wind 434 Physic 424 Poll-Evil 405 Powerful mixture, for fever 430 Purgative Balls 425 Purging 423 Purging-balls, for jaundice 432 Purging-balls, for worms 440 Quitter 47 o Rareys Liniment 874 Restorative balls after jaundice 433 Horse Diseases Continued. Restorative, for profuse staling 437 Ringbone 408 Sallenders 412 Salve, how to make for wounds 49 Sand-crack 409 Scratched Heels, ointment for 462 Scratches, how to cure 887 Sitfasts 411 Sores and Bruises 356 Sore Backs, cure for 485 Sprains, bracing mixture for 460 Sprains, embrocation for 459 Sprains, etc., lotion for 486 Staggers 363, 442, 889 Stomach-drink after expulsion of the worms 441 Strains 413 Strains in different parts, an astringent embrocation for 463 Strangles 415 Strangury 414 Surfeit, or bad coat 451 Suppurating poultice 406 Thrush 416 Thrush in feet, cure for 454 Treatment 373 Treatment according to appearance of the part 359 Urine-balls 452 Vives 417 When on a journey 450 Wind-gall 418 Worms 370 Worms, remedy for 371 Horse Diseases Continued. Wounds 4i9 Wounds in cattle, farriers cure 35 2 Wounds, ointment for 46 Horseradish, how to make and bottle . 706 Hostetters Bitters, how to make 616 Ice-Cream, how to make 134 Ice-House, capacity of 933 Ice, how to preserve 78 Ice, to test strength of 77 Iced Coffee, how to make 667 Ink for Printers, all colors 695 Ink Rollers, how to clean 759 Inks, black writing, how to make.. 136 Black writing, cheap 137 Blue writing 38, 143 Green writing, 570 Indelible, how to make 139 Japan black writing 135 Red writing 141 142 Insects, how to destroy 604, 709, 710 Iron, Cast, how to drill 926 Rust, how to remove 656 Rusting, how to prevent 922 Water, how to make 946 Kalsomine, how to make 712 Kickapoo Salve how to make 944 Lard Candles, how to make 505 Lard how to try... 713 Lavender Water, how to make 848 Lemons, how to keep .. 994 Lemon Water, how to make 847 Lemonade, how to make 714 Lice, Chicken, how to destroy . 716 How to kill on cattle , 715 Lime-Water, how to make 18 Lime water, how to make 717 Linen ,to restore scorched ; 657 Lip Salve, how to make 767, 768 Lumber, how to preserve 719 Malt Extract, how to make 720 Marble, how to clean 658 Matches, how to make 722 Matrices, Paper, how to make 723 Mayonnaise Dressing, how to make 724- Metal, Fusible, how to make 983 Relative conducting power of 725 Mildew, how to take out of linen 577 Milk, how to preserve any length of time 15, 5 68 , 973 Mortar, how to make 977 Mosquitoes, how to get rid of 728, 729 Mucilage, how to make 730 Mustiness in Casks, to remove 731 Paines Celery Compound, how to make 950 Paint, Face, how to make 760, 761, 762, 763 Economical, how to make 735 To remove smell 736 Painters Colors, how to make different shades.. 225 Colors used, different names for 226 Linseed-oil, how to boil, for painting 229 Linseed-oil, how to prepare for boiling varnish 228 Oils, different kinds used in painting 227 Paint, outside, cheap 575 Pancreatin how to prepare 737 Paste, bookbinders, how to make 982 Artists and Architects how to make... 739 Adhesive 73 8 Bill Posting, how to make 740 Paper hangers how to make 985 Razor, how to make 756 Patent Leather, how to prepare 840 Pencils, Fabers, how to make 743 For marking linen, how to make 741, 742 Perfumery, etc., Black Teeth, remedy for 83 Cologne 82, 541, 537, 852 Gums and Teeth, how to clean 84 Hair-Grease, or ox-marrow imitated 80 Hair-Oil : 77, 78, 79, 574 Hair-restorative 543, 906 Lotion for Freckles t 547 Otto of Roses, how to make 588 Pomade against baldness 564 Pomatum, ox-marrow 542 Preventing hair falling out 538 Soap, shaving, best invented 573 Soap, Shaving, how to make 572 Tooth-Powder, rose 81 Tooth-Powder 548 Pickle, to cure hams, pork and beef 517 T. B. Hamiltons receipt 518 Pierce, Dr., Golden Medical Discovery 744 Pimples, how to remove 964 Pisos Consumption Cure, how to make 948 Polish, French Leather 618 Russet Leather 619 Polishing Compound, how to make 746 Posts, to prevent from rotting 867 Potatoes, how to preserve 748 Plasters, Belladona, how to make 947 Court, how to make 745 Poultice, Soap, how to make 784 Bran, how to make 750 Bread and Milk 749 Linseed Meal 718 Poultry Food, for hens 751 Powder, Sachet, how to make 753 Baking how to make 752 Preserves, etc, Barberries, how to make 123 Blackberry Jam 520 Cherries, how to preserve 124 Cucumber-Catsup, how to make 503 Currants, how to preserve 125 Fruit and Vegetables, how to preserve 501 Fruit, how to keep fresh 500 How to keep 117 Peaches, how to preserve 119 Plums, elegant green 118 Plums, magnum-bonum 120 Quinces, how to preserve 121 Raspberry-Jam 122 Tomato-Catsup, how to make, No. i 499 Tomato-Catsup, how to make, No. 2 502 Printers Ink, how to make 138 Printing-ink, excellent. 597 Radways Ready Relief, how to make 901 Rats, Poison, how to make 586 Razor-Strop Powder 578 Rectifying, raw whiskey, stand, how to put up. 270 Rice Water, how to make 851 Roofs, composition for, how to make 757 Rope, to preserve wire 866 Rubber Hose, how to repair 921 Rubber Stamp Pad, how to make 733 Rubber Stamps, how to make 932 Rum, Jamaica, how to imitate 283, 284, 292 New England, how to imitate 287, 288 St. Croix, how to imitate 289, 290 S. S. S. Fluid, how to make 986 Sails, mildew on 930 Salad Dressing, how to make 765 Salve, Russia, how to make 904 Salts, Smelling, how to make 766 Sapolio, how to make 787 Scalp, to cure tender 771, Scouring Bricks, how to make 661 Sealing-Wax, red, how to make... 593, 854, 855, 856 Black, how to make 594, 595 Seidlitz Powder, how to make 754, 851 Shaving, prevent soreness from 773 Cream and how to make 772 Sheep, Foot-rot, cure for 473, 474, 475 Foot-rot, prevention and cure 476 Maggots in 478 Scab, cure for 477 Silks, how to restore luster 774 Silk, stained by corrosive or sharp liquors, how to clean 598 How to clean 989 Silver, how to make mosaic 997 Silver, how to write in 599 Articles, how to clean S7 6 By heat 492 Copper, how to 563 First Polish, how to . 775 German 58i, 582, 583, 584, 5 8 5 Silver Continued. How to write on 929 Plating fluid, galvanism simplified 489, 777 Silvering of metal 565 Solution, for plating copper, brass, etc 490 To whiten , 776 Skeletons, how to prepare 662 Soap, Antiseptic, how to make 780 Brown Windsor 792 Cocoanut Oil, how to make 781, 968 Glycerine, how to make 782 Laundry 783 Shaving, how to make 969 Soft, how to harden 788 Tar, how to make 789 Yellow Washing 794 White Windsor, how to make 970 Wool Washing 786, 793 Soda, for fountains, how to make 806 Soldering, Iron or any other metal without fire.. 566 Spirits, Jamaica, how to imitate . 286 Pure, how to make 345 Pure, how to make by distillation 346 Stain, black, how to make 987 Stain, Brown, how to make 953 How to Remove 659, 660, 663 Starch, Potato, how to make 797 Laundry, how to make 796 Steel, Burnt, how to restore 925 How to weld 857,858, 859 Stings and Bites, remedies for 613 St. Jacobs Oil, how to make 945 Stoppers, glass, how to remove 798 Stove, how to polish...8o1 How to mend cracks in 799 Polish, Rising Sun., 620 Streams, capacity of 935 Stumps, how to destroy 800, 893 Sugar of Milk, how to make 802 Syrup of Figs, how to make 805 Fruit, how to preserve 804 How to prepare 803 Syrup, simple, how to make 344 Swine, Cholera, how to cure with alum 569 Common diseases, how to cure 579 Measles, how to cure 47 1 Rupture in 47 2 Sugar-Coloring, how to boil 343 How to clarify io Tea, Apple, how to make 808 Tea, Iced, how to make 976 Temper, knife blades, how to 817 Axes, how to 814 Cold Chisels 815 Gun Springs, how to 816 Tinctures, Allspice, how to make 323 Cardamon Seed 321 Catechu 291 Cinnamon 320 Cloves 326 Japonica 299 Kino 285 Red Sanders 325 Rhatany 322 Saffron 323 Tobacco, Plug, how to make 818 Tools, sharpen, how to 819 How to mark 721 Tooth Paste, how to make 790, 791, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813 Torpedoes, Toy, how to make 961 Vanilla Beans, how to pulverize 821 Varnishes, Furniture, how to make 989 Amber 236 Asphalt 822 Bessemers 823 Black Coaches 824, 825, 826 Bookbinders 988 Brunswick Black 827 Cabinet Makers 828 Carriage 829 Common 830 Confectionery 831 Copal, gold color 232 Copal, how to boil 230, 231 Copal, to dissolve in fixed oil 235 Etching 833 Floors 834 For Boilers 920 Furniture 837 Glass 835 Grates, how to make for 990 Gun Stocks 836 Harness, how to make for 240 Iron and Steel, how to make for 524 Labels 838 Leather 839 Leather, how to boil 243 Leather, how to make for 241 Linseed-Oil 237 Varnishes Continued. Seed-lac ... 233 Sheet Iron 250 Shellac 23-4 Stove, how to make 991 Straw and Chip Hats 249 Turpentine 238 Violin, how to make 992 White, hard 239 Venice Turpentine, how to make 242 Verdigris, English, how to make 841 Vinegar, Cider, how to make 154 Common 146 Currant 151 Elderberry 156 Gooseberry 150 German 157 How to detect acid in 843 How to make 143, 144, 145, 147 How to sharpen, or increase sharpness 158 How to strengthen 155 Primrose, how to make 152 Raisin 153 Raspberry 350, 842 Sugar 149 Wine , 148 Warners Safe Cure, how to make 954 Warts, how to cure 844 Washing, occupying one hour 493 Another receipt 494 Washing Powder, how to make 664, 755, 785 Watches and Clocks, how to clean 649 Water- Proof, leather, how to make 245 Leather Preservative 246 Water-Proof Leather Continued. Shoes and Boots, how to make 244 Umbrella, how to make 845 Weight of Earth Rock, how to ascertain 937 Weight of Live Cattle, how to determine 935 Weld Tortoise Shells, how to 820 Welding Powder, German, how to make 924 Whiskey, Apple, how to imitate 273 Bourbon, how to imitate 274 Irish, how to imitate 275 Monongahela, how to make 271, 272 Scotch, how to imitate 276 Wheat, how to imitate 272 Wood, how to petrify 996, 938 Whitewash, brilliant 555, 860 Wines, Apple, how to make 342 Blackberry. 521 Bottling 338 British Champagne 351 Cider 340 Claret, how to imitate 333 Currant 339 Cypress 341 Fermentation, how to stop 682 Fining 337 Grape 862, 863 How to Mellow : 865 Lisbon, how to imitate 331 Madeira, how to imitate 329, 330 Malaga, how to imitate 332 Mead, how to make ! 864 Port, how to imitate 327, 328 Racking 336 Sherry, how to imitate 334 Wines Continued. Teneriffe, how to imitate 335 White, how to make 861 Winslows Soothing Syrup, how to make 896 Wizard Oil, how to make Hamlins 875, 943 Wood, how to make insulating 711 Worcestershire Sauce, how to make 770 Writing, how to make it look old 869 Writing, how to restore burned 868 Writing, how to revive 870 Yeast, distillers and .brewers, how to make, with hops 347 Beer, how to make, with 349 How to make another 348 How to preserve 871 Zinc, how to write on 873 WOW! AND THATS JUST THE TABLE OF CONTENTS! |
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